Are you lying to yourself?Please check:

Say you are going to travel to a beautiful place. You are preparing your bag pack. You take all your essentials,brush ,soap, charger,books, laptop ,your ticket etc. The next morning you check once more just to be sure. Its important you know ,you cannot miss out on anything because that would mean you might have a hard time. 

Similarly even during you routine days, you keep a check on things like your schedule or bank balance etc. When you are constantly checking on so many material things why is that you haven’t really checked on yourself ? When was the actual last time you sat down for a few seconds and knew how or what you felt?

Due to our daily routines and hectic schedules our mind gets so busy completing these tasks that ot dosent pay much attention to the other aspects or thoughts of itself. One of the reasons the pandemic was hard for the people who were safe in their homes is that due to their lack of overwhelming schedule like they are used to ,they are now forced to sit with themselves , especially with their mind and its thoughts.

Having a check on ourselves is extremely essential. Only then can you get help or follow better mental habits to refine yourself. Ignoring our mental health might itself be a habit but it isn’t healthy. The suppression of your current mental problems might manifest as something serious in the future either on the mental or physical plane i.e you get more prone to diseases. It is proved scientifically a week mental health can also cause a disturbed immunity or lead to severe mental diseases in the future.

Like sherlock holmes says our mind is probably like a vaccum. The more unwanted things we store the more space it takes and harder it becomes to remove it. Hence it becomes harder for us to store ir remember the actual important ones. Its a great way to remove any impurities or negativities of the mind then and there to relieve us of the burden!

Do you need to get scared now?

No that isn’t the point. The point is to check on yourself.

When :

(I am not an expert but this is based on my own experience).

1. Ideally everyday: Its a proven fact that writing down everyday about how you felt that day helps you literally get it off your mind. Your mind gets clearer and sometimes while you write you get a different perspective on the matter or obtain a solution. It is a wonderful feeling.

2. When something is bothering you at the back of your mind: you have watched something or heard something or even remembered something that is constantly buzzing in the corner of your mind. After sometime you dont remember what it is anymore but you still have a disturbed, heavy feeling in your mind. This feeling acts like some invisible barrier preventing you from giving your best or having a nice time. Just sitting down for a few seconds or minutes, closing your eyes recollecting what actually was troubling you and writing it down definitely helps in clearing it out.

3. Too many rushing thoughts: If you have sat down to focus on something important and have too many thoughts disturbing you try writing or typing them down. This calms your mind after sometime. Do not try to suppress them!

4. When you are feeling extremely low but dont know why: This is something even I have faced too much these days . This is a very tricky feeling. You dont know what to do or how to do. You dont even realise what’s happening. Sometimes you try to ignore the feeling and work but you end up being extremely unproductive. This feeling might need to professional help in extreme cases. Write down or type how you feel. If you dont even know how you feel ,What I suggest is to just start typing or writing anything you want ,like how the day went etc. In the process of writing or typing you will realise what’s really going on. TRUST ME.

5. THAT STUCK FEELING: A but similar to the above feeling, this is where you feel extremely stuck everywhere. You want to get put but you cant. You don’t know what’s going on. Its better to get professional help here too or talk to people . Writing helps.

How to :

1. Talking : If you have someone who genuinely listens to you and talking to who you will actually feel lighter ,it is best to converse with them. Pour yourself out there. When talking to someone in the course of the conversation chances are you realise what you are feeling!

2. writing: This is my personal favourite. Writing is a beautiful journey that ends in you seeing your true feeling, your true self. Many times I have found what i wanted to say or feel while I am writing when my conscious brain didn’t even realise there was this thought inside me!

3. Typing: Digital equivalent of writing.

4. Recording: when you really want to talk it out but not to an actual human ,this feels pretty good. Open your phone’s recording and start telling anything that comes to your mind. Trust me it is great.

5. Meditation:. This is also one of my other favourites. Meditation is not only to find your thoughts but it elevates you to calmness and deletes unnecessary thoughts. Not only the proven scientific benefits, meditation also makes you feel amazing. But try not to meditate on your feeling or thought. Try mindfulness or heartfulness meditation. By the end of it you would already know why and what you felt!

(please please seek professional help necessary there is nothing to be ashamed of)


Until then hail!kunst.

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